Published on 20.02.2023

EMIR REFIT Readiness Report: With revised rules coming into force in 2024, are businesses ready?

EMIR Refit

We have conducted our first research study investigating the impact of the upcoming EMIR REFIT rules from the perspective of 100 decision-makers for transaction reporting in the UK. The aim of the research was to understand the concerns firms had regarding the implementation of the regulations, the specific challenges they faced and how they were addressing them.

Research was undertaken during Q4 2022, after the EU go-live date of 29 April 2024 was announced, but prior to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) releasing its guidelines and technical documentation providing clarification around the EMIR REFIT rules.

On the basis of the responses received, this report has identified four intersecting areas of focus.

We hope you find this report interesting, if you would like to discuss anything EMIR or EMIR transaction reporting related we are on hand and ready to help you.

Please contact Francis Stroudly, Head of Transaction Reporting,